
Against ETA

2 arrested in Ondarroa, Basque Country, and Jaca, Huesca



One of the detainees has been identified as Igor Martin Niño, while Olatz Lema Zabala resides in Ondarroa. There are already 9 arrested.

Ertzaintza, or Basque police, on Tuesday arrested two alleged members of ETA, a man and a woman, in connection with the operation against the Basque armed group developed in the Basque town of Ondarroa (Biscay).

One of the detainees, a 31-year old man who was arrested in his home of Jaca, Huesca (Aragón), has been identified as Igor Martín Niño, while the woman,&' || 'nbsp;Olaitz Lema Zabala (27), was arrested in Ondarroa, where both of them reside according to sources of the investigation.

Ertzaintza has already arrested 9 people in the police operation, which allowed the agents to find 3 weapon caches, or zulos, containing 40 kilos of explosives. Seven suspects are already in prison following an order from the judge of the Spanish High Court Eloy Velasco.

Igor Martín Niño is accused of being part of an ETA commando that parked a car bomb at the Vicolozano industrial area in Ávila in 2005.

Martin Niño and Lema are accused of contributing with the commando, supposedly headed by Ibon Iparraguirre Burgoa. Their role was to support ETA larger groups.

They could have been involved in an attack against the works of the future Basque high speed train. They are also accused of blowing a booster in Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa), attacking the Ertzaintza headquarters in Ondarroa on September 21st, 2008, and putting explosives at the Socialist bar of Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa).