
European Summit

Patxi Lopez defends innovative Basque Country at European Summit



According to him, the Basque Country deserves to be recognized apart from "the tragic chronicle of ETA that has been behind us for over the past years".

Basque PM Patxi Lopez defended at the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Competitiveness dinner that is being held in Donostia-San Sebastian "the other Basque Country that deserves to be recognized”, apart from the news related to "the tragic chronicle of ETA that has been behind us for over the past years".

Lopez vowed "a real Euskadi", with "innovative society, with highest-level universities and several technological and research centers that are our best cover letter in the world".

After welcoming the rest of Ministers in Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque PM reminded that the city aspires "meritoriously" to be the European Capital of Culture in 2016.

On Monday 8, the Minister for Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, will chair the meeting of ministers responsible for research, who will discuss the challenges still pending for the launch of the European Research Area and the role that science can play in achieving economic recovery and growth.