
Discovered in Portugal

ETA had 300 kilos of explosive for "imminent" attack



Spanish Interior Minister Rubalcaba confirmed that the ETA suspect arrested on Sunday in Guipúzcoa "was preparing some misdeed".

Home Office Minister, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, speaking on Monday, revealed that the suspected ETA member, arrested on Sunday between Asteasu and Villabona had "the worst of intentions".

Ibai Beobide Arza was arrested as part of a routine control being carried out by the Spanish Civil Guard. He was riding a bicycle, carrying false documentation and a pistol. According to Rubalcaba, it was clear that "he was not doing it for the sport; nobody does sport with a pistol and a pen-drive".

"We have no other option but to conclude that he was preparing some kind of misdemeanour, he had something bad in mind," insisted Rubalcaba, adding that it was something ETA was attempting "time and time again".

Referring to the explosives discovered in a house occupied by ETA in Obidos (Portugal), the Home Office Minister confirmed that a total of 300 kilos of explosive material was found with which to carrying out an "imminent" attack.

Rubalcaba confirmed that the material was ready for a pending attack, as explosive ingredients are only mixed when they are to be used immediately because they quickly lose their efficacy.

Such details, the minister revealed, are evidence that ETA were planning to carry out an attack "very soon".