
Police Operation

Spanish police search 150 kg explosives of ETA in Basque mountain



According to Judge Ismael Moreno, the recently imprisoned suspected member of ETA Ibai Beobide coordinated at least three groups who were in possession of weapons and 150 kg explosives.

National High Court Judge Ismael Moreno sent the alleged ETA member Ibai Beobide to prison on Thursday. Beobide was in charge of dynamizing and coordinating at least three groups of ETA , who were in possession of weapons and 150 kg explosives to attack "at anytime", according to a sentence passed by the magistrate.

As EFE informs quoting sources of the antiterrorist fight, Spanish police are trying to find those explosives, which according to Beobide are hidden in several place near Gorbea mountain in Biscay.

Police arrested Beobide Saturday as he was riding his bicycle between Asteasu and Villabona. The other four suspects were arrested two days later in Hernani and Segura (Gipuzkoa). All of them formed "a complete infrastructure that could attack at any time".

The magistrate attributes this group the attack that took place on December 31st, 2008 at EITB-Basque public radio and television station, located in Bilbao, Basque Country that seriously damaged the installations but did not cause any injuries.

He also links them to the attacks perpetrated in La Peña, Bilbao (Biscay) on April 17th, in Zamudio (Biscay) on June 8th , and in Laredo and Noja (Cantabria) in the summer of 2008.