
In support of Euskera

'Zeu kalakari, gu kalakari': Korrika comes to an end in Donostia



This year's slogan was "Maitatu, ikasi, ari... euskala-kari" (Love, learn, use Basque, euskalakari!). AEK and Korrika named the people who love, learn and use the Basque language "Euskalakari".

The 17th edition of Korrika kicked off in Trebiño on April 7th and finished today, April 17th in Donostia-San Sebastian. For 10 days, it has covered a distance of 2,500 km and passed through 400 towns in the Basque Country.

This year''s slogan was "Maitatu, ikasi, ari... euskala-kari" (Love, learn, use Basque, euskalakari!). AEK and Korrika named the people who love, learn and use the Basque language “Euskalakari”.

The 17th edition of Korrika paid homage to Euskaltzaindia -The Royal Academy of the Basque Language- in order to show appreciation for all the work done in support of the Basque language. Euskaltzaindia is the official academic institution which watches over Euskara or the Basque language. It carries out research into the language, seeks to protect it and establishes standards of use.

An ETB-3 cameraman covered the entire race all through these 10 days, starting in Trebiño and ending in San Sebastian.