
Interview with Basque radio

Basque President sees no 'significant progress' in ETA's announcement



The head of the Basque Executive, Patxi López, claims the ceasefire announced by ETA on Sunday is not enough.

The President of the Basque Country, Patxi López, believes the statement issued by ETA this Sunday in which they announced the end to "armed offensive action" is "insufficient".

According to the lehendakari, the statement shows "no significant advancement" on behalf of the armed group because it contains "no response to what the Basque people demand" which is, says López, their permanent disappearance.

In an interview given to the program "Boulevard" on Radio Euskadi, the Basque President declared that the "ball" remains firmly in ETA''s court: "It is up to (ETA) to take the decision to permanently give up their arms," he added.

In López''s judgment, this latest announcement issued by the armed Basque group is an attempt to "confuse us into thinking that the ball is now in the court of the democrats, and this is not the case."

"The ball remains resolutely in their court; it is up to (ETA) to take the decision to permanently give up their weapons, and up to their followers to adopt a firm decision to break all ties with terrorism," the President has stressed.