
General Policy Plenary

Lopez believes Basques close to achieving a terror-free society



The Basque President called on parliament 'not to fall into ETA's trap' because they do not claim 'either to have disappeared, or to have ceased activity'.

Lehendakari Patxi López called on the Basque Parliament to make ''onelast effort'' of unity and resolution because, he said, ''we are touchingwith the tips of our fingers the permanent end to violence''.

Lópezalso called on those present ''not to fall into ETA''s trap'' because, intheir latest announcements, they claim ''neither to have disappeared, norto have ceased their activities and continue wanting to shape thefuture''.

During his speech at the Basque Parliamentary Plenary of General Policy on Thursday morning, López said he was convinced that ''we are finally winning the fight against ETA terrorism''.

''Wehave brought freedom back to the streets and squares of our towns.Those responsible for the violence no longer enjoy impunity. Public spaces, for so long in the grip of terror and tyranny, now belong to democrats,'' he added.

The Basque Government, he said, ''has shown a clear stance and firm, faultless leadership in bringing an end to ETA.''

''We desire nothing more'' than their disappearance

ThePresident continued by saying: ''we would all like it to be true thatETA have decided to disappear, nothing would make us happier,'' addingthat the armed group had given no specific indication of theirdisbandment.

''ETA''s statements may help them and Batasuna tosolve their own problems, though I suspect that on this occasion theyhaven''t even done that. But the radical wing must know that its only way forward is to break ties with ETA and work to make them disappear. And I invite them to do so,'' he added.

''There are very few days unstained by blood''

The lehendakari used the opportunity of his plenary speech to remember all those, ''Basque and national police officers, civil guards, judges, MPs, journalists, businessmen and ordinary people who have lived under the threat of terrorism''.

Hewent on to remind those listening that more than ''80 terrorists orpeople with links to ETA have been arrested. The leadership of ETA hasbeen dismantled on numerous occasions. We have uncovered arms cachesand collaborated with the governments of both France and Spain.''

Citizen safety

PatxiLópez also signalled his government''s intention to offer security toBasque citizens in all areas, by way of greater personal, property androad safety.

He announced that the Basque Interior would shortly be presenting its Plan of Reorganisation and Modernisation of the Basque Police, which would include putting more agents on the streets and creating a great police presence in the territory.

''By June next year, we will have 8,000 serving Basque police officers, provided with modern equipment, working to provide a better service to our citizens''.