
ETA announcement

Brian Currin: 'ETA will declare a ceasefire before December'



The South African international mediator was passing on information received from the Basque nationalist leftwing. He says he "has no doubts" about the reliability of the declaration.

The South African lawyer and international expert in conflict mediation, Brian Currin, confirmed on Friday that the Basque nationalist leftwing had informed him that ETA would declare a permanent, unilateral and verifiable ceasefire&' || 'nbsp; before December.

During a press conference in Bilbao, Currin stated clearly that he "has no doubts" about the reliability of the information received from the Basque nationalist left and stressed that, following the declaration of a ceasefire a task of verification would have to take place in which "it would be preferable that the Spanish Government were involved."

If the Executive decides not to participate, the "International Contact Group" could take on the "verification task" after having spoken to all the Basque political parties. The decommissioning phase, said the South African lawyer, would take place once verification is carried out.

In the event that a small splinter group of the armed group should decide not to take part, the process would go ahead with his involvement and that of the Basque political groups including the Basque leftwing, who would have no contact with the group in question.