
Presentation of candidates

Bildu candidates pledge their opposition to violence



Bildu's regional and municipal candidates, made up of members from EA, Alternatiba and independent candidates, have pledged their commitment to purely peaceful means.

The candidates of the new Basque political party Bildu, made up of representatives from other parties as well as independent candidates, such as Txema Azkuenaga, who will stand at the next municipal and regional elections, have all pledged their commitment, via a signed mandate, to acting in accordance with purely peaceful methods, which goes "hand-in-hand" with their its&' || 'nbsp; "to the use of violence to achieve political objectives".

During a press conference held in Bilbao, Bildu revealed the names of some of the candidates for the General Assembly and the Local Council of Bilbao, though the full list of candidates, formed by members of EA, Alternatiba and independents, is not yet complete.

Mandate against violence

All of Bildu''s candidates have signed a mandate in which the ninth directive signals "its firm commitment to acting solely through the use of peaceful and democratic means, which implies its opposition, by all legitimate means at its disposal, to any act or activity involving aggression or the violation of all or any basic human rights and the use of violence to achieve political objectives."

As such, the mandate calls for dialogue, negotiation and agreement as "methods of action". During Thursday''s press conference, the party signalled that the list of candidates was still not complete but gave their assurance that all new candidates would sign the mandate before the list was presented before the General Assembly.