
New pro-independence coalition

Spanish Govt. will go through Bildu lists with fine-tooth comb


According to Opposition Popular Party Federico Trillo, the Spanish Government will make sure Bildu is not a backdoor way to get Sortu people on the ballot.

The Spanish government will go through all the lists of candidates of a new pro-independence coalition called Bildu with a fine-tooth comb to make sure this is not a backdoor way to get Sortu people on the ballot.

Opposition Popular Party backs the government on this approach, according to Federico Trillo, a PP lawmaker who met last week with the Spanish interior minister, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba.

Bildu was formed in March with two legal parties, Eusko Alkartasuna and Alternatiba and pro-independence candidates running without affiliation.

Sortu, formed by pro-independence Basque left-wing nationalist militants, was denied legal status on March by the Supreme Court, saying the new party Sortu is a repackaged version of ETA''s already outlawed political wing. On Thursday the Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Sortu. The party can file another appeal, this time with the country''s highest tribunal, the Constitutional Court, although it is unlikely a ruling will come in time for the May 22 voting.