
Basque Country

PP, PSOE clash once again over new pro-independence coalition Bildu


The Popular Party's spokeswoman, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, even threatened to break the 'Antiterrorist Pact' with the governing Socialist party if this rejects to challenge Bildu.

The governing Socialist party PSOE and opposition conservative party PP clashed on Monday over a new pro-independence coalition party that wants to stand in the local and regional vote in the Basque Country.

Maria Dolores de Cospedal, spokeswoman for the Popular Party, requested on Monday that the Government challenges Bildu and all its lists of candidates, a coalition party formed in March with two legal parties, Eusko Alkartasuna and Alternatiba and pro-independence candidates running without affiliation.

The conservative spokeswoman even threatened to break the ''Antiterrorist Pact'' with the governing Socialist party if this rejects to challenge Bildu. She said she was convinced the government would challenge Bildu but added the "good or bad health of the ''Antiterrorist Pact'' would depend on the government''s actions".

Last week, the Spanish government announced it would go through all the lists of candidates of Bildu with a fine-tooth comb to make sure this is not a backdoor way to get Sortu people on the ballot.

Sortu, formed by pro-independence Basque left-wing nationalist militants, was denied legal status on March by the Supreme Court, saying the new party Sortu is a repackaged version of ETA''s already outlawed political wing. The Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Sortu. The party can file another appeal, this time with the country''s highest tribunal, the Constitutional Court, although it is unlikely a ruling will come in time for the May 22 voting.