
Parliamentary statement

Basque Premier asks Bildu to demand end to ETA



In an official statement, Patxi López said any decision taken by the Constitutional Court would be "legitimate and democratic".

Basque Premier Patxi López on Friday called on nationalist party Bildu to demand the "unconditional and permanent end" to ETA, if it wishes to be considered a credible political force.

After issuing a warning that "any new tricks" would not be tolerated, López declared his hope that those who "today enter the democratic game" and who were almost banned from entering "for trying to undermine democracy via unacceptable methods", now demonstrate their "rejection of violence" because democracy has "more means by which to defend itself".

Patxi López also stated that EA and Alternatiba "once again" had a "magnificent opportunity" to call on the Basque nationalists to make clearer and stronger commitments to the democratic system, to pluralism within Basque society and to putting an end to violence.

As such he also indicated that, if Bildu wish to be seen as credible, it should take "further steps" and demand of ETA not just that the armed organisation uphold the current ceasefire, but their "permanent and unconditional disappearance".

Constitutional court ruling

López said he accepted the ruling issued by the Constitutional Court on Friday as the "clear expression of the smooth operation of our rule of law". He described the ruling as "legitimate and democratic", as it would have been had they backed the ruling of the Supreme Court.