
Kantu zerrenda

'Zidorrean': urriaren 20ko saioko kantak


Jon Basagurenek urriaren 20ko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako kantuak:

Petite Noir. Argazkia: Domino Recording

Hauxe da urriaren 20ko 'Zidorrean' saioan Jon Basagurenek jarritako kantuen zerrenda:

Petite Noir: "Down"

Tami Nelson: "Walk (Back To Your Arms)"

EStankona: "Kate Arina"

Fito Paez & Moska: "Milagros Y Heridas"

Being Berber: "Legacy"

City And Colour: "LOver Come Back"

The Bright: "Extrarradio"

EH Sukarra: "Aspaldiko loreak"

Frankie Lee: "Black Dog"

The Bohicas: "Where You At"

Mconak: "HItz Gordinak"

Richard Hawley: "The World Looks Down"

The Dad Weather: "Lose The Right"

William Fitzsimons: "Better"

Ivan Ferreiro: "Dias Azules"

Paul McCartney: "Take It Away"

"Take It Away"

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