
Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko urtarrilaren 19ko abestien zerrenda



Proposatutako musikarien artean, Ekiza, Foals, Love of Lesbian, Tom Speight, Mucho eta The Lonely Wild daude.

Jon Basagurenek urtarrilaren 19ko 'Zidorrean' proposatutako musikari eta abestiak:

The Libertines: "Gunga din"

Ekiza: "Begiak ireki nituen"

Foals: "Give it all"

Violent Femmes: "Memory"

Love of Lesbian: "Bajo el volcán"

The Bitter Springs: "Portrait of a marriage"

Basiat Bulat: "Fool"

JP Loihan: "Kantu itsaskorra"

Tom Speight: "Little love"

Mucho: "Las puertas del infierno"

The Chills: "Silver bullets"

Mayor Tom: "Tu barrera del sonido"

Liher: "23 kilo"

The Lonely Wild: "Hunted"

Nine Inch Nails: "The good soldier"




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