Kantuen zerrenda
'Zidorrean' saioko otsailaren 9ko abestien zerrenda
Proposatutako musikarien artean, Lenao, Mucho, Split 77, Motorama, Beira eta Nada Surf daude.
Jon Basagurenek otsailaren 9ko 'Zidorrean' proposatutako musikari eta abestiak:
Nada Surf: "I love you all the time"
Lenao: "Zuzenean emititzen"
Skunk Anansie: "Love someone else"
The White Buffalo: "Home is in your arms"
Mucho: "Los amantes no olvidan"
Kassassin Street: "Yeah It's on"
Little May: "Seven hours"
Patrick Watson: "Places you will go"
St. Lucia: "Love somebody"
Split 77: "Elektra"
Motorama: "Heavy wave"
Espiritusanto: "Poligono industrial"
Beira: "Bost sexumen"
Le Butcherettes: "Shave the pride"
My morning jacket: "I love you all the time"
u all the time"