
Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko maiatzaren 8ko abestien zerrenda

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Hauek daude proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean: Deep Throat Choir, Future Islands, The New Raemon, Lillie Mae, Oso Fan, Alexandra Savior, Kaskezur, Nizuri Tazuneri, Matthew Logan Vasquez...

The New Raemon

Jon Basagurenek maiatzaren 8an 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako musikari, talde eta abestiak:

Deep Throat Choir: 'Be OK'

Future Islands: 'Time on her side'

The New Raemon: 'Naturaleza'

Lillie Mae: 'Over the hill and through the woods'

Oso Fan: 'Gaur'

Alexandra Savior: 'Shades'

Kaskezur: 'Lore sorta'

Nizuri Tazuneri: 'Itsuki'

Matthew Logan Vasquez: 'From behind the grass'

McEnroe: 'Escorpiones'

Trevor Sensor: 'The money gets bigger'

Havalina: 'Malditos mamíferos'

Columbia Mills: 'Head start'

Leun: 'Not me'

Father John Misty: 'Things it would be helpful to know before'

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