Kantuen zerrenda
'Zidorrean' saioko ekainaren 21eko abestien zerrenda
Azkena Rock jaialdiri buruzko saio berezia.

Jon Basagurenek ekainaren 21ean Azkena Rock Festival jaialdi buruzko 'Zidorrean' saioan berezia osatu du:
The Hellacopters: 'Everything's on TV'
Creedence Clearwater Revival: 'Born on the bayou'
The Shelters: 'Liar'
Cheap Trick: 'Surrender'
The Soulbreaker Company: 'Red, yellow, green'
Fetitxe: 'Azal lohia'
Graveyard: 'Too much is not enough'
Pat Capocci: 'Slave for the beat'
Buck & Evans: 'Impossible'
Chris Isaak: 'Baby did a bad bad thing'
Union Carbide Productions: 'Golden age'
The Cult: 'She sells sanctuary'
Bloodlights: 'Lights out'
Michael Kiwanuka: 'The final frame'