
Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko apirilaren 11ko abestien zerrenda

Hauek dira proposatutako talde eta musikari batzuk: Arctic Monkeys, Biffy Clyo, EME, King Gizzard & The Lizzard Wizard, Don Inorrez, The Braves, Spencer P. Jones eta Broken Brother Brass Band.

Biffy Clyro

Jon Basagurenek apirilaren 11ko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako musikari, talde eta abestiak:

Arctic Monkeys: 'Fluorescent Adolescent'

Biffy Clyro: 'Bubbles'

EME: 'Ama'

King Gizzard & The Lizzard Wizard: 'Beginner's Luck'

Don Inorrez: 'Brunch In The Lodge'

The Braves: 'Hanging Church'

Spencer P. Jones: 'People Fuck With Your Head'

Broken Brothers Brass Band: 'Xuri Guztiak Ez Dira Irinak'

Barrence Whitfield & The Savages: 'Tingling'

Rosanne Cash: 'The Walking Wounded'

Ament: 'Safe In The Car'

Angel Stanich: 'El Outsider'

Beach House: 'Dark Spring'

Mushkum: 'Basamortuan'

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