Kantuen zerrenda
'Zidorrean' saioko ekainaren 20ko abestien zerrenda
Proposatutako talde eta musikariak: Girslchool, The Sheepdogs, Rival Sons, Tutan Come On, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, The Allnighters, Thee Hypnotics, Mott The Hoople, Glucifer eta Berri txarrak.
Jon Basagurenek ekainaren 20ko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako musikari, talde eta abestiak:
Girlschool: 'Race With The Devil'
The Sheepdogs: 'Nobody'
Rival Sons: 'Tied Up'
Tutan Come On: 'Microsievert'
Chris Robinson Brotherhood: 'Good To Knwo'
The Allnighters: 'Everything Is Changing'
Thee Hypnotics: 'Half Man Hal Boy'
Mott The Hoople: 'All The Young Dudes'
Glucifer: 'Easy Living'
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts: 'Love Is All Around'
Berri Txarrak: 'Zorionaren Lobbya'
Beasts Of Bourbon: 'I Don't Care About NOthing Anymore
Hugo Race: 'Will You Make Up'
The Dream Syndicate: 'Filter Me Through You'
Turbonegro: 'City Of Satan'