
Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko ekainaren 20ko abestien zerrenda

Proposatutako talde eta musikariak: Girslchool, The Sheepdogs, Rival Sons, Tutan Come On, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, The Allnighters, Thee Hypnotics, Mott The Hoople, Glucifer eta Berri txarrak.

Berri Txarrakeko Gorka Urbizu. Argazkia: Gaizka Peñafiel

Jon Basagurenek ekainaren 20ko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako musikari, talde eta abestiak:

Girlschool: 'Race With The Devil'

The Sheepdogs: 'Nobody'

Rival Sons: 'Tied Up'

Tutan Come On: 'Microsievert'

Chris Robinson Brotherhood: 'Good To Knwo'

The Allnighters: 'Everything Is Changing'

Thee Hypnotics: 'Half Man Hal Boy'

Mott The Hoople: 'All The Young Dudes'

Glucifer: 'Easy Living'

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts: 'Love Is All Around'

Berri Txarrak: 'Zorionaren Lobbya'

Beasts Of Bourbon: 'I Don't Care About NOthing Anymore

Hugo Race: 'Will You Make Up'

The Dream Syndicate: 'Filter Me Through You'

Turbonegro: 'City Of Satan'

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