Danielsonek positiboa eman du, eta ez da Utahko Itzulian egongo
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Cannondale-Garmineko txirrindulariak berak eman zuen emaitzaren berri, eta ez duela debekatutako sustantziarik hartu esan du.
Tom Danielsonek (Cannondale-Garmin) dopinaren aurkako kontrol batean positiboa eman duela esan du Twitterren, testosterona sintetikoagatik. Txirrindularia ez da Utahko Tourrean egongo, bigarren analisiaren zain. Utahko azken bi edizioak irabazi ditu.
Estatubatuarrak debeketatutako sustantziarik ez duela hartu esan du, eta ezin duela azaldu testaren emaitza. "Oso minduta, gaizki eta haserre sentitzen naiz honengatik. Ez dut ulertzen nola eta zergatik gertatu den, eta oraindik ezin dut hau egia denik onartu. Ez dut hau ezta beste debekatutako sustantziarik hartu", esan du Twitterren.
Danielsonek Discovery Channel taldean ibili zenean dopatu zela onartu zuen, eta sei hilabeteko zigorra jaso zuen 2012 eta 2013 artean.
Tonight has been one of the worst nights of my life. While I was eating dinner with my team the night before Tour of Utah I received a call
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015
For USADA notifying me that a out of competition test I gave July 9th has tested positive for, from what I understand, synthetic testosteron
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015
I have not taken this or any other banned substance
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015
I spoke with them and my team and I will have to sit out the Tour of Utah as I wait for the B sample as well as look into
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015
All the possible ways that could have produced this result.
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015
I would never ever take anything like this especially after everything I have gone through the last years. This makes absolutely no sense
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015
I will now, as I wait for the B test, have the supplements I take, tested to see if this is what caused it.
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015
I feel incredibly hurt, frustrated, and angry by this. I don't understand how or why this happened and still can't even accept this is true
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015
I love cycling. I love it so fucking much. I love the races, the rides, the people, the businesses, I love it all. Nothing compares for me.
— tom danielson (@tomdanielson) agosto 3, 2015